Case Study

Transforming Céline Barman's Jewelry Website: A Seamless Transition to Drupal

Enhancing User Experience and Showcasing Unique Creations with Modern Web Technologies
“The transition to the new Drupal website has been seamless. The redesign beautifully showcases my work, and the site performance improvements are remarkable. I couldn't be happier with the results.”
Céline Barman
Céline Barman
Jewelry Craftswoman

Céline Barman is an artisan jeweler based in Valais, Switzerland, known for her handcrafted jewelry, including unique pieces, small series, and wedding jewelry. Céline's commitment to craftsmanship and personalized service is a cornerstone of her brand, and she sought to reflect this dedication through a modern, structured website.

The primary goal was to refactor Céline Barman's outdated and unstructured WordPress website into a modern, structured Drupal 10 site. BlueMelon aimed to differentiate current sales items (small collections and unique pieces) from past creations showcased in galleries, highlight the Wedding section, and ensure a seamless user experience and improved site performance.

The Challenge

Addressing Unique Web Development Obstacles

The project faced several unique challenges. First, it was essential to clearly distinguish between current sales items and past creations within the site’s layout. Second, the Wedding jewelry section needed prominent emphasis to attract potential customers. Third, the migration of content required meticulous attention to ensure no data loss while adding new photos and creations. Lastly, a comprehensive redesign was necessary to enhance user experience and align with modern web standards.

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The Solution

Utilizing Cutting-Edge Technologies for Optimal Results

To address these challenges, BlueMelon utilized a combination of advanced technologies and strategies:

  • Drupal 10: Chosen for its robustness and flexibility, enabling a structured and scalable website.
  • Drupal Schemadotorg Blueprints module: Utilized for organizing data structure efficiently.
  • Drupal Paragraphs: Allowed for flexible content creation and management.
  • Alpine.JS and Tailwind CSS: Used for creating a responsive and modern user interface.

These technologies ensured that the new website was not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly.

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Executing a Meticulous Development Strategy

The implementation process was meticulously planned and executed to ensure a seamless upgrade:

  • Content Migration: All existing content was carefully migrated from the WordPress site to Drupal 10, ensuring no data loss.
  • Adding New Content: New creations and updated photos were incorporated to keep the site current and engaging.
  • Full Redesign: The website was completely redesigned with a focus on usability and aesthetic appeal, using Tailwind CSS for a responsive design.
  • SEO Optimization: Included SEO best practices such as metatags, XML sitemap, and data for improved search engine visibility.

This strategic approach ensured a smooth transition to the new platform while enhancing the overall user experience.

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The Results

Achieving Remarkable Success and Client Satisfaction

The project yielded impressive results:

  • Enhanced Website Performance: Achieved a GTmetrix Grade A with 91% Performance and 90% Structure scores.
  • Improved User Experience: Reduced Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) to 1.5 seconds, Total Blocking Time (TBT) to 0ms, and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) to 0.01.
  • Increased Visibility and Traffic: The SEO optimization and structured data significantly boosted the site’s visibility and traffic.
  • Client Satisfaction: The redesign beautifully showcased Céline's work, improving site performance and user engagement.

These outcomes not only elevated Céline Barman’s online presence but also enhanced her brand’s reputation as a premier artisan jeweler.

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Scope of Work

Comprehensive Project Description

This detailed approach ensured that the new website not only met Céline Barman’s needs but also provided a scalable and sustainable solution for future growth.

Content Types

Created various content types including Landing Page, Article Page, Blog Page, Blog Posting Page, How-to Page, Image Gallery Page, Item List Page, and Contact Page.


Integrated a media library, implemented SEO optimization (metatags, XML sitemap, data), and developed a responsive theme using Tailwind CSS.

SEO Optimization

Conducted comprehensive SEO optimization to enhance search engine rankings and visibility.

Design and Development

Complete redesign and development of the website, focusing on user experience and modern web standards.

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